Thank You for supporting the Junior League of Syracuse and raising awareness on the issue of Human Trafficking.

Quantity Price Name

Single Seat Ticket

The single ticket includes seating for one to attend the breakfast and hear Theresa's personal story as a human trafficking survivor. You may purchase her book and have it signed at the event. full description
online sales closed $25.00 Single Ticket
online sales closed $12.00 The Slave Across the Street-book signing at event

Tabletop Ticket

The table ticket seats 8 for breakfast and our featured speaker Theresa Flores. You may also purchase a copy of her book and have it signed at the event. full description
online sales closed $200.00 Table for 8
online sales closed $12.00 The Slave Across the Street-book signing at event

Unable to attend any of the events listed above? Please consider a monetary gift in support of the League.
